Create and Manage Warehouse Groups

In this article, you'll learn how create and manage Warehouse Groups.  By grouping warehouses together, you can use these groups in various places within Zenventory such as with User warehouse restrictions, report running, and order page advanced search filters.

Create a New Warehouse Group

  1. Navigate to the Admin>Warehouse page.
  2. Use the actions menu to choose "Manage Warehouse Groups".adminwarehouses
  3. To create a new warehouse group, choose the "New Warehouse Group" option from the Warehouse Group dropdown menu.  newwarehousegroup
  4. Enter a name for your new warehouse group and select the warehouses to be included in this group.
  5. When finished selecting warehouses, hit the "Save" button. newwhgroupsave

Manage Existing Warehouse Groups

  1. Navigate to the Admin>Warehouse page.
  2. Use the actions menu to choose "Manage Warehouse Groups".adminwarehouses
  3. Select the existing warehouse group you wish to manage by selecting it from the Warehouse Group dropdown menu.  existingwhgroups
  4. You can change which warehouses are in the group by selecting or deselecting them.
  5. If you want to change the name of the Warehouse Group, then hit the pencil icon after selecting the group in step #3.  editgroupname
  6. If you want to delete the warehouse group, then hit the X trash bin icon after selecting the group in step #3. deletewhgroup
  7. When finished making changes, hit the "Save" button.