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Reporting Options

Zenventory features 30+ off-the-shelf reports, generated using XML templates that are highly customizable.  For specific information on any report and its capabilities, see the table below.

  • All reports come with a clients (3PLs) and warehouse selection input
Name of Report Description PDF? CSV? Filtering Criteria Data columns included in report Report Category
Inbound by Supplier Listing of purchase orders en route to warehouse from a given Supplier.  Can also include received purchase orders from the date range if user selects. Y Y Enter Supplier, Enter End Date, Show Received POs 

Supplier, Purchase Order Number, Date Required, Shipping Method, Ordered By (person), Order Prepared Date, Items Qty, Value, Client Name

Inbound Reports
Purchase Orders Export By Date Export of all PO data.  Ideal for data exchange with external systems. N Y Enter Start Date, Enter End Date, Show Received POs Y/N PO Number, Required By, Ship Method, Ordered By, Order Prepared, Value, Warehouse Name, Project Number, Purchase Order Terms, Purchase Order Notes, SKU, Ordered Qty, Received Qty, UOM, Unit Cost, Sales Price, Description, UPC / EAN, Category, Weight, Default Econ Order, Default Lead Time (Days), Recommended Retail Price, Manufacturer Website, Serializable, Non-Inventory Perishable, Track Lot Size, Supplier, Address 1,  Supplier City Supplier State Supplier Zip Supplier Country, Supplier Main Contact, Supplier Phone, Supplier Email, Supplier Alternative Contact, Supplier Phone, Supplier Email, Supplier Office Phone, Supplier Office Fax, Supplier Website, Supplier Account Number, Supplier Terms, Client Name, Status Inbound Reports
Inbound By Date Listing of purchase orders en route to warehouse in a given Date Range.  Can also include received purchase orders from the date range if user selects. Y Y Start Date, End Date, Show Received POs Y/N Supplier, Purchase Order No., Date Required, Shipping Method Ordered By (person),Order Prepared (date), Items, Value, Client Name Inbound Reports
Received Serial Numbers Serial Numbers received within a given date range. N Y PO Number, Date From, Date To Supplier, Purchase Order No., Date Required, Shipping Method Ordered By (person),Order Prepared (date), Items, Value, Client Name Inbound Reports
Purchasing By Supplier Summary Purchase Orders to a specific Supplier (or all suppliers) broken down by month, listing how many POs were created and how many were completed (received). Also includes $ value of purchases by month. Y N Enter Supplier (blank for all suppliers), Enter Start Date,Enter End Date Date Required, Supplier, Items, Value, Orders, Completed, Client Name Purchasing Reports
Purchasing by Category Purchase Orders for a specific product category broken down by month and Supplier, listing how many POs were created and how many were completed (received).  Also includes $ value of purchases by month. Y N Enter Category (blank for all categories), Enter Start Date, Enter End Date Date Required, Supplier, Items, Value, Orders, Completed, Client Name Purchasing Reports
Purchasing By Supplier Detail Expands on the data listed in Purchasing by Supplier Summary, by listing the specific items included and the date of each individual PO. Y N Enter Supplier (blank for all suppliers), Enter Start Date,Enter End Date Date Required, Supplier, Items, Value, Orders, Completed, SKU, Category, Description, Quantity, Uom, Cost, Vendor Code, Client Name Purchasing Reports
Purchasing By Item Purchase Orders for a specific product SKU broken down by month and Supplier, listing how many POs were created and how many were completed (received).  Also includes $ value of purchases by month. Y N Enter SKU (blank for all SKUS), Enter Start Date,Enter End Date Date Required, Supplier, Items, Value, Orders, Completed, Client Name Purchasing Reports
Supplier Catalog by Client Allows the export of a suppliers' item catalog. Can be done per supplier or for all suppliers. N Y Select All Suppliers or a Specific Supplier Name, Client, Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Office Phone, Office Fax, Website, Main Contact Name, Main Contact Phone, Main Contact Email, Alternative Contact Name, Alternative Contact Phone, Alternative Contact Email, Account Number, Term, SKU, Vendor Code, Unit Cost, Default Lead Time (Days), Min Order Qty, Client Name Purchasing Reports
Current Cost of Inventory By Category Total value of all in-stock inventory, broken down by category.  Includes count of total items and average cost. Y Y Enter Warehouse Categories, Total Cost, Total Count, Avg Cost, Landed Cost, Warehouse Name, Warehouse Country, Client Name Inventory Reports
Current Cost of Inventory By SKU Value of in-stock inventory broken down by individual item SKU.  Includes count of total items and average cost. Y Y Enter Warehouse Categories, SKU, Description, Total Cost, Total Count, Avg Cost, Landed Cost, Warehouse Name, Warehouse Country, Base UOM, Item Userfields 1-5, Client Name Inventory Reports
Inventory In Stock Listing of all in-stock inventory by SKU, quantity in stock, and each item's default reorder point for comparison. Y N   SKU, Category, Description, UOM, InStock, Expiry, Re-Order, Client Name Inventory Reports
Expiring Inventory Listing of items that will expire within the selected date range. Y N Enter Expiration Date From, Expiration Date To SKU, Description Qty, Expire Date, Location, Client Name Inventory Reports
Unallocated Order Items Listing of items waiting for fulfillment that are either backordered, or otherwise not yet allocated from stock. Y Y  

SKU, Description, Available, Allocated, Ordered, Userfield1, Userfield2, Userfield3, Userfield4,


Userfield6, Client Name

Inventory Reports
Delivered Inventory Cumulative totals of items received within the selected date range. Y Y Enter Delivered From, Delivered To SKU, Category, Description, Qty, UOM, Client, Unit Cost, Unit Cost Total, Client Name Inventory Reports
Received Inventory Detail of each receiving event and totals for each SKU within the selected date range. Y Y Enter SKU (leave blank for all SKU's), Enter Delivered From Date, Delivered To Date Receipt #,SKU, Category, Description, Qty, UOM, Client, Received Date, Unit Cost, Unit Cost Total, Client Name Inventory Reports
Serial Numbers By Location All serialized items in stock, broken down by Location and SKU. Y N   Serial Number, SKU, Client Name Inventory Reports
Accuracy Measurements Accuracy record (%) of cycle counts completed within the date range. Y N Enter SKU, Accuracy Percentage Minimum, Accuracy Percentage Maximum, Count Date From, Count Date To Location, Accuracy, Completed By, Client Name Inventory Reports
Inventory In Warehouse Shows inventory breakdowns per warehouse location of chosen categories, SKU #'s or all SKU #'s by default Y N Enter SKU (leave blank for all SKU's), Category (leave blank for all), Choose Warehouse Warehouse, In Stock, Allocated, Available, Client Name Inventory Reports
Inventory Usage Summary High level overview of stock in/out activity over the past 12 months. Y N Enter SKU, Category Receipt #,SKU, Category, Description, Qty, UOM, Client, Received Date, Client Name Inventory Reports
Lot Numbers By Location All lotted items in stock, broken down by Location and SKU. Y N   Lot Number, SKU, Quantity, Client Name Inventory Reports
Stock In/Out Details Full detail of all in/out activity for a SKU or product category over a date range. Y N Enter SKU, Category, Date From, Date To SKU, Description, Current Qty, ReOrder Point, Date, Number of Events, Transaction Type, User Total Charge, ID, Quantity, Unit Cost, Unit Cost Total, Client Name Inventory Reports
Stock In/Out Summary Starting & ending quantity for a SKU or product category over a date range. N Y Enter Warehouse, SKU, Category, Date From, Date To Warehouse, SKU, Description, Category, UOM, Starting Qty, Added Qty, Deducted Qty, Ending Qty, Last Receipt Date, Last Ordered Date, Client Name Inventory Reports
Kit Summary Export of Bills of Material (BOM) detail for all kit items. N Y   Kit item SKU, Component SKU, Quantity, UOM, Default Unit Cost, Client Name Inventory Reports
Assembly Summary Export of Bills of Material (BOM) detail for all assembly items. N Y   Assembly Item SKU, Component SKU, Quantity, UOM, Default Unit Cost, Client Name Inventory Reports
Assembled Items Summary of Items Assembled within a given date range. Includes Items used to Assemble. Y Y Date From, Date To Work Order #, Assembled SKU, Description, Created Date, Completed Date, Assembled Qty, Assembled UOM, Line #, Component SKU, Description, Qty, UOM, Client Name Inventory Reports
Inventory Export Full export of inventory data. N Y Warehouse, Include Out of Stock?, Breakdown by Location?, Breakdown by Lot Number? Client SKU, Description, Category, Unit of Measurement, Warehouse, In Stock, Allocated, Sellable, On Order, UPC / EAN, Manufacturer Website, Recommended Retail Price, Sales Price, Unit Cost, Weight Default Econ Order, Default Lead Time (Days), Par Level, Assembly, Serializable, Track Lot, Perishable, Re-Order Size, Client Name Inventory Reports
Inventory Forecast Forecast of inventory needed for the next week and the next month. N Y Warehouse Client, SKU, Description, In-Stock, Allocated, Unallocated, Sellable, Incoming, Shipped (all time) Daily Average (last 30 days), Days Left (30 days velocity), Daily Average (last 7 days), Days Left (7 days velocity), Client Name Inventory Reports
Missing/Damaged Inventory Shows any missing and/or damaged inventory that was deducted via cycle count or stock adjustment N Y Warehouse, Date from/to Client, Warehouse, Location, Date, User, SKU, Description, Missing, Damaged, Total Loss, Unit Cost, Total Cost, Lot #, Expiration #, Serial #, Client Name Inventory Reports
Trace Item Shows inventory usage by lot, serial, or expiration date. N Y SKU Ship From Warehouse, Order Number, Placed On Date, Date Shipped, Title, Name, Surname, Customer Email, Account Number, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Address 3, City, State, Country, Phone, Qty, Component Of, Client Name  Inventory Reports
Moved Inventory  Details of Inventory that has been moved to different locations N Y Date To, Date From SKU, Quantity, Lot Number, Serial Number, Expiration Date, Origin, Destination, User, Date, Note, Move All, Client Name Inventory Reports
Cycle Count Details Cycle Count item details  N Y SKU, Warehouse, Location, Count Date From, Count Date To, Option to include items with no discrepancies Cycle Count Number, Date Completed, Complete By, Warehouse, Location, Client, SKU, Description, Lot #, Expiration Date, Serial #, UOM, Expected, Found, Damaged, Anomoly, Date Approved, Reviewed By, Client Name  
Incomplete Orders Listing of all open orders. Y N Cycle Count Number, Date Completed, Completed By, Location, Client, SKU, Description, Lot Number, Expiration Date, Serial Number, UOM, Expected, Found, Damaged, Anomaly, Date Approved, Reviewed By  Order No, Date, Account, Consignee, City, State, Zip, Ordered, Picked, Shipped, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Fulfillment Performance Fulfillment performance for orders within a date range Y Y Enter report date range Order Number, Name, Claimed for Picking, Customer Order Claim, Picker, Shipped Date, Total Time Since Printed, Total Time Since Claimed, Charges, Client Name  
Picker Performance Shows the details of orders and items picked, broken down by warehouse and user. N Y Enter report date range, Warehouse, breakdown by date Warehouse, Picked By, Orders Picked(QTY), Items Picked(eaches), Items Picked(ordered units), Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Daily Item Orders For a selected day, gives listing of items sold and dollar value of sales. Y N Enter Report Date SKU, Description, Quantity, Actual Sales Amount, Undiscounted, FMV, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Detailed Customer Orders Listing of all customer orders and a breakdown of items included in each over a date range. Y Y Enter Start Date, End Date Co Number, Placed On, Completed On, Customer, Created By, Unit Cost, Unit Cost Total, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Order Returns Summary of customer returns during a specified period. Y N Enter Start Date, End Date CO Number, RMA Number, Customer Name, Returned Date, Ordered, Returned, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Order Summary All customer orders over a date range, including the picked/shipped status. Y N Enter Customer, Date From, Date To Order No, Date, Cosignee, City, State, Zip, Country, Create By, Ordered, Picked, Shipped, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Quick Issue Orders Listing of all Quick Issue events over a date range. Y N Enter Date From, Date To Order No. Date, Created By, Ordered, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Ready To Ship Orders that are currently allocated, picked, and ready to ship. Y N   Order No, Date, Cosignee, City, State, Zip, Ordered, Picked, Shipped, Pick %, Client Name Fulfillment Reports
Warehouse Transfer Orders Export Details on all transfer orders between warehouses N Y Warehouse, Date From, Date To Deliver From Warehouse, Date Created, Required By, Last Modified, Transfer Number, Client, SKU, Description, Category, Unit Cost, Item Userfields 1-5, Quantity, Allocated Quantity, Picked Quantity, Shipped Quantity, Date Shipped, Received Quantity, Date Received, Status, Deliver to Warehouse, Deliver to Warehouse Address Info, Requested Carrier, Requested Service, Note  
Orders Export By Date Export of all customer order data.  Ideal for data exchange with external systems. N Y Enter Start Date, End Date Customer Order #, Customer Order Ref, Order Source, SKU, Order Qty, Ordered UOM, Completed on, Cancelled On, Cancelled By, Cancelled Note, Allocated Qty, Picked Qty, Picked On, Picked By, Already Shipped, Ship Notes, Unit Cost, Placed On, Custom Field1,Unit Price, Total Price, Description, UPC/EAN, Category, Weight, Default Econ No, Recommended Retail Price, Manufacturer Website, Serializable, Drop Ship, Perishable, Track Lot, Line #, Title, Name, Surname, Supervisor,  Email, Shipping Code, Shipping Company, Shipping Name, Shipping Address 1, Shipping Address 2, Shipping Address 3, Shipping City, Shipping State, Shipping Country, Shipping Zip, Shipping Phone, Default Shipping, Use as Billing, Billing Code, Billing Company, Billing Name, Billing Address 1, Billing Address 2, Billing Address 3, Billing City, Billing State, Billing Country, Billing Zip, Billing Phone, Default Billing, Created By, Item Owner, Model No, Tracking No, Company, Client Name, Last Modified Date, Last Shipped Date Fulfillment Reports
Shipments For Carrier Shipments broken down by carrier over a date range, including shipment tracking numbers. Y N Enter Carrier, Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Date, Order Number, Customer, Address, City, State, Tracking Number, Client Name Shipments Reports
Shipment Detail Listing of shipments by date range for one or all carriers, with additional detail including shipment cost. Y Y Enter Warehouse, Carrier, Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Order No, Customer No, Ordered On, Customer Name, Items, Shipped On, Shipping Carrier, Client Name Shipments Reports
Shipped Items by Date Listing of shipments with additional detail on what items are included in each shipment. Y N Enter Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To SKU, Description, Qty, Ship Date, Tracking No, Customer, Company, Client Name Shipments Reports
Shipment Cost Report Cumulative total of shipment costs for all carriers, totals broken down by carrier, and average cost per shipment for each. Y N Enter Carrier, Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Carrier, Shipments, Average (per shipment), Cost, Client Name Shipments Reports
Client Statement (For 3PL providers) Breakdown of shipping & handling charges due for a specific client for a specific period, including amount for each order and a grand total. Y Y Enter Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Order Number, Customer, Tracking Number, Shipped Date, Carrierm Service, Weight, Shipping & Handling, Client Name Shipments Reports
Customer Shipping Methods Breakdown of shipping methods used for a given date range Y N Enter Customer (optional), Date From, Date To Carrier, Service, Shipments, Percentage, Client Name Shipments Reports
Shipment Summary Summary of each day's shipments in the date range, including number of shipments by carrier and the cost. Y N Enter Carrier (optional) Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Carrier, Orders, Shipments, Cost, Voided, Void Total, Client Name Shipments Reports
Shipped Item Totals Cumulative totals of items shipped over a date range, broken down by SKU. Y N Enter Warehouse, Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To SKU, Category, Description, Quantity, Client, Client Name Shipments Reports
Client Summary (For 3PL providers) Summary of all 3PL fulfillment clients and their shipping/handling charges for the selected date range. Y N Enter Shipped Date From, Shipped Date To Client, Shipping & Handling, Client Name

Shipments Reports

Warehouse Locations Export   N Y Enter Warehouse, Hide Parent Location (Y/N)

Warehouse Name, Warehouse ID, Name, Description, Code, Parent Name, Parent Description, Parent Code, Stock In Location, Stock in Child Locations, Total Stock, Default Location, Allow Auto Allocation, Override Default Storage Fee, Storage Fee, Last Cycle Count, Client Name

Inventory Reports