When shipping in batches, we store this information by the batch number. You have the ability to look at batches historically, reprint shipping labels from a batch, or view/reprint the batch summary report.
- Navigate to Orders > Batches
- Click the 3-bullet point icon to the left of the batch number you would like to work with. There are two options in this menu.
- "View" - this will take you directly to the Orders>Search page and filter the search results by Batch number, showing all orders that were a part of this particular batch.
- "Print Options" - pulls up the Shipment Batch modal where you have 3 functional options
- Reprint Labels - choose the label print format from the drop down menu and hit the orange "Print Labels" button
- Note - a note can be added to the batch for future reference, click the orange floppy disk icon when completed entering your note.
- Print Summary - hit the orange "Print Summary" button to print the batch summary report.