Set and Manage Item Par Levels

Par Level refers to a the minimum quantity of an item you should have on hand to meet demand for that product.  Zenventory allows you to manually set a par level per item and the system will calculate and display a suggested reorder quantity to get your stock back to that par level.

Setting Item Par Levels:

There are two places in the software where you can set the item par level:  The Inventory>List Inventory>Par Level page or from within the item details on the Admin>Items, warehouse tab page.  Once you have set a par level for an item, the system will display a value in the "Under Par" column on the Inventory pages.  If using the "Add to Basket" option to add an item to a draft purchase order, the system will default to the "Under Par" quantity as your suggested reorder quantity.

  • Setting Par Level from the Inventory>List Inventory>Par Level page
    1. Navigate to Inventory>List Inventory>Par Level
    2. Search for the item you wish to set the par level on.
    3. Click the blue "enable" link to pop up a menu and enter the desired par level value.  The "enable" link will only be present on this page if the par level for the item has not already been set.  
    4. If that par level had previously already been set, then select the icon to the left of the SKU number to pull up the menu to change the par level value.


  • Setting Par Level from the Item Details pages
    1. Navigate to Admin>Items and search for the item you wish to set the par level.
    2. Click the pencil icon to the left of the item SKU number to pull up the item details page.edititems
    3. Go to the Warehouse tab of the item details.
    4. Click the pencil icon to the left of the warehouse you wish to set this item's par level.  Par level can be set per warehouse.  itemswarehousetab
    5. Enter the desired par level and click save when finished.  Alternately, you can use the orange "suggest par level" button and the system will suggest a par level based on the last 30 days of sales data for that item.setparlevel