Request a New or Edit an Existing Warehouse Transfer Request in the Mobile App

In this article you will learn how to initiate a Warehouse Transfer Request from the mobile to app to any Warehouse in your Zenventory account.  


Creating a new Transfer Request

  1. From the main menu dashboard, select "Request Warehouse Transfer".  You'll then be directed to the Active Warehouse Transfer request page.  reqwhto
  2. Change your active warehouse to represent the warehouse you would like goods to be transferred into (Destination Warehouse).   Tap the 3-dot icon in the top right corner of the app and select "Change Warehouse".  Select your desired destination warehouse and hit OK.warechangewarechange2
  3. Click the +Request Transfer button at the bottom of the app. newrequest 
  4. Choose your desired options and hit the orange "Submit" button.whtooptions
    1. Auto - will automatically fill in your transfer request item quantities to get them up to your destination warehouse par levels.  I.E.  If the item par level in your destination warehouse is 100, and you currently have 80, then a quantity of 20 will automatically be added to the transfer request
    2. Manual - manually select items and desired transfer quantities
    3. Required by - choose the date and time you need the transfer to arrive at your destination warehouse.
    4. Warehouse - the Origin Warehouse that the goods are being requested from.
  5. You are now on the item requested quantity entry page.  If using, Auto, items will automatically be populated here.  If using manual, you will need to add items by using the search tool to look for item SKUs or UPC values.  You can also use a scanner in the search tool or tap the barcode icon to use your device's camera as a scanner. 
    1. Information displayed per each item
      1. SKU
      2. Description
      3. X / Y where X is the current stock level and Y is the warehouse item specific par level
      4. Request - Quantity you are requesting from to be transferred
      5. Available - Current quantity  in the Origin warehouse
  6. Once you have finished adding/editing item count requests, hit that orange "Submit" button.  You'll be redirected back to the Active Requests page once the submittal has been processed.


Editing or Cancelling a Transfer Request

  1. From the Active Transfer Requests screen, touch and swipe right on any active request to reveal the Edit and Cancel options.  swiperigthedit
  2. Choose whether to cancel or edit.  If you cancel, then the request will be removed and cancelled.  If you choose edit, continue to step 3 below.
  3. Choose a different Required by Date/Time, if needed.  Hit Submit once done.  newdate
  4. Make any changes to the items on request by tapping on the item card to pull up the request quantity page and change your quantity.  If you no longer need an item on the request, then enter 0 as your request quantity.  Hit save to the item  quantity request once changed. itemcountedit
  5. Once done with item specific changes, hit the orange "Submit" button to update the request.  Once processed, you be redirected back to the Active Transfer Requests screen.itementrywhto