Receive Stock Without a Purchase Order

Receiving Without a PO




  1. In the Receiving tab, select "Receive Without PO".
  2. Search for Supplier Name if one is not automatically populated.  (NOTE: A supplier must be selected even if receiving without a PO). Enter any notes or a Receipt number as well if needed and click Next to move to item entry.ChooseSupplier
  3. Select "Add New Item" to begin manually entering items. (Alternately, you can enable the "Enable One to One Scanning" and begin scanning with a barcode scanner if your account is configured for this functionality.AddItem-1
  4. Enter in other item fields if needed, but delivered quantity is required and click the Disk  Save-Button-46x50  icon to save.
  5. Click "Next" Next-Button-2to move to confirmation step.
  6. Review and select "Accept Delivery"acceptdeliverbutton to complete receiving. Select OK in pop-up message and PDF receipt will generate.