Priority Reallocation

In overselling/backorder situations, this allows unshipped inventory currently reserved for lower priority orders to be rapidly redeployed to higher-priority ones based on Order Date & Order Source with just a few clicks.

Priority Reallocate

  1. Go to the Orders>Allocate page and click on the "Orders" view.  allocatepage
  2. Select orders you wish to Priority Reallocate inventory for (up to 500 at a time).  This will remove picked/allocated inventory from orders and reallocate that inventory to the selected orders, up to the total amount of stock available.
  3. Use the "Priority Reallocation" option in the Actions menu on the right side.priorityallocateaction
    1. Unallocation Order - choose whether you want to un allocated from oldest to newest or newest to oldest orders.
    2. Include Picked Order - if Yes, then already picked orders will be unpicked and unallocated.  If no, then already picked orders will be excluded.
    3. Order Source - you have two options: (1) include and (2) exclude.  You are choosing what order sources you want to unallocate.  I.E.  If you want to remove all allocations from all orders, except Amazon sourced ones, you would choose Exclude Amazon.  priorityallocate
  4. Press the OK button to complete.  NOTE:  This process can take some time to complete depending on your level of  fulfillment automation, any connected shipping software integrations, etc.