Conducting a cycle count can be done on the mobile app. Creating a cycle count, deleting a cycle count, and approving/disapproving is done in the cloud application.
1. Select "Cycle Count" from the main menu dashboard.
2. Either choose from an existing cycle count, or hit the New Cycle Count button to create a new one.
3. If creating a new cycle count, follow step 4. If selecting from an existing cycle count, skip to step 5.
4. In this step, you will select the warehouse locations you would like to include in your cycle count.
- You can search for locations either by Item or by Location by making that selection at the top of the screen. The default is item searches. The search box allows for manual entry or barcode scanning. If you with to use your devices camera as the scanner, then tap that barcode icon to the right of the search box.
- Add locations to the cycle count by tapping the orange + icons to the right of a location name
- When done selecting locations, hit the orange "Save" button
- You'll be redirected back to the cycle count selection page and see this newly created cycle count available there.
5. After selecting the intended cycle count you will be asked if you would like to "Claim" the cycle count. Select "Yes". This locks the count to your user, preventing other users from inadvertently inputting counts at the same time. Select the location you would like to enter the counts for by tapping the location name. You can also search for the location using the search/scan box at the top of the screen.
6. After selecting the location you are able to see all the inventory items listed for that location that have positive stock quantities. Select an item by tapping it to bring up the enter counts screen. You can search/scan for items on this page to narrow your view item results.
7.When selecting each item you will input the quantity found and also any damaged quantity that was included in that found count. Hit the orange "Submit" button once complete.
8. Once you have finished entering item counts for the location, hit that orange "Complete Location" button.
9. You'll be redirected back to the Cycle Count selection page. Continue with steps 3-8 for each location.
10. Once all locations are completed, the cycle count is completed will be removed from the available cycle counts list. It is available for approval in the web version, or counts updated depending on our system settings.