Connect Shopify to Zenventory (Stock Update Only Mode)


  • Before they can sync to Zenventory, all Shopify products must have a unique SKU assigned (including variants).  If some of your products are missing a SKU in Shopify, you can add them easily using the Bulk Editor described in this article.  Inventory synchronization will fail for any item missing a SKU in Shopify.
  • All Shopify products must be marked as a physical product and the option to track inventory in Shopify must be enabled with Zenventory as an available stock location.  Inventory synchronization will fail for any product where these two settings are disabled in Shopify.

Shopify Integration Functionality in Stock Update Only Mode  (updated 7/1/2024)

  • Pulls items, their details (sales price, shipping weight, UPC, cost) and quantities from Shopify into Zenventory during initialization (unless a matching SKU already exists.  If a matching SKU already exists in Zenventory, then the connection is made, but no data is downloaded from Shopify).  Once the item has been downloaded/connected to Zenventory, then any changes made to the item details in Shopify will not automatically carry over to Zenventory.  
  • Pushes updated inventory stock levels from Zenventory to Shopify for matching SKUs (if stock updates is enabled).  

Update interval (maximums):

  • All actions:  15 minutes

Configuring the integration


To begin the integration process, you must have a Shopify subscription active.

  1. Start by logging in to your Shopify store.
  2. Navigate to the apps page on the left hand menu.
  3. Click on “App and Sales Channel Settings".  shopifydevelopapps2
  4. Click on "Develop App" and then click  “Create an app”.shopifydevapps3createappshopify

  5. Set a name for your private app that makes it easy to identify, then click "Create App."zenventoryshopifyname-600x350-1
  6. Click "Configure Admin API Scopes"  apiscopesshopify
  7. Make sure the following checkboxes are selected, and leave ALL of the rest unchecked.ShopifyAppPermissions
  8. Click "Save" (1) to save the permissions you just selected and then select the "API Credentials" tab (2).saveshopifypermissions-1536x262
  9. Click the "Install App" button. installappshopify-1536x182
  10. Go back to the API credentials tab.  Click "Reveal Token Once" to obtain the Admin API Access Token.  You will need this to set up the integration in Zenventory.  NOTE: You will only be able to reveal this token one time, so make sure to record it and save it for future use.  Copy and paste these into a document you can temporarily save as you will need them in a future step in this setup process.  You will also need the API Key and API Secret Key values on this API Credentials page. shopifytoken
  11. Next, log in to your Zenventory account and navigate to Admin -> System > Integration.  Have the site URL (see image below), Admin API Access Token, API Key, and API Secret ready as you will need them to follow the next steps.
  12. While under the “Marketplace” tab, click the “Add Marketplace” button, select “Shopify”, then "Add".8
  13. You will see a prompt to open the install guide.  Simply click this link, and then you can close the new window/tab if you already have the guide open.9
  14. All fields necessary for initializing the Shopify integration in will be displayed:shopifystockonly
    • Shop - This is the store name embedded in your URL address. It may differ from your actual Shopify store name.  See highlighted example below, in this case you'd use "darin-newest-store-11-30-22" for Shop (without the quotes).shopifyurlupdated
    • Admin API Access Token - obtained one time from step 11 above.
    • Client - For 3PL providers, this will link the store to a specific 3PL client in Zenventory.
    • Shop Name - This will be used to identify your shop name locally within Zenventory and can be different from Shop.
    • Stock Warehouse - Choose the warehouse (s) that will be sending stock updates to Shopify. If more than one warehouse is selected, the quantity will be the combined sum of all selected warehouses. 
    • API Key - obtained from step 11 above.
    • API Password - obtained from step 11 above.
    • Warehouse - This will be the default warehouse used for inventory allocations for orders from this channel.
    • Stock Update Mode -
      • Do Not Update Stock Levels - If enabled, only orders, order status updates, and shipment information will pass from Zenventory to Shopify.  Zenventory will not pass stock level updates to Shopify with this enabled.
      • Use Sellable Quantity - will update Shopify with the item sellable quantity.  Sellable is calculated by total in stock minus allocated items minus non allocated items on orders.  This setting prevents overselling of a product.
      • Use In-Stock Quantity - will update Shopify with the item in-stock quantity.  This setting can allow for over sale.

    • Importing User - This will be the user associated with imported data, any user can be selected for this.  NOTE:  If no importing user is selected, no automatic imports will take place (you'll have to run them manually from the Actions menu).
    • Integration Settings -
      • Update Stock Levels Only - will not import orders from Shopify, only updates the item stock levels to the Shopify location of your choosing.  To choose the Shopify location, click the circular icon below the update stock levels only setting.  Then choose from the list of existing Shopify locations and press OK when complete.  If you wish to create a new location in Shopify, then follow the steps in this Shopify help article.
    16.  Once you have filled in all the integration information, click “Save” then “Initialize”.  This will activate your integration and begin transferring data between Zenventory and Shopify.  Once initialization is complete, you are finished with the setup process.