Customer Order
Prints when you create a customer order or re-print from the View Order popup
Default Field Name | Element |
customerorderid |
companyid |
customerid |
ordersourceref |
status |
ordereddate |
completeddate |
completed |
extordernumber |
orderplacedbyuserid |
orderplaced |
orderplacedbyname |
ordernumber |
clientid |
cancelled |
cancelledby |
cancelleddate |
cancelledreason |
deleted |
deletedby |
projectno |
userfield1 |
userfield2 |
userfield3 |
mylist1 |
mylist2 |
discountpercentage |
shippingbillingmode |
carriercode |
servicecode |
qbstatus |
txnid |
qbsequence |
shippingaddressid |
billingaddressid |
shipvia |
pickprintdate |
note |
preferwhid |
notifyemail |
integrationsource |
deleteddate |
weight |
packages |
customertitle |
customername |
customersurname |
customeremail |
customeraddresscompany |
customeraddressname |
customeraddress1 |
customeraddress2 |
customeraddress3 |
customercity |
customerstate |
customerzip |
custaccount |
customercitystate |
customerphone |
customercountry |
shiptoaddress |
customercompanyname |
billingaddresscompany |
billingaddressname |
billingaddress1 |
billingaddress2 |
billingaddress3 |
billingcity |
billingstate |
billingzip |
billingcitystate |
billingphone |
billingcountry |
billtoaddress |
companyname |
companyaddress1 |
companyaddress2 |
companyaddress3 |
companycity |
companystate |
companyzip |
citystate |
companytel |
companyfax |
printedby |
ordertotalprice notetocustomer notefromcustomer |
buyerpaidship |
Requested Delivery Date | requiredby |
Items |
customerorderitemid |
companyid |
customerorderid |
imasterid |
orderquantity |
orderuom |
quantity |
pickeddate |
pickedbyuserid |
completed |
discountpercentage |
partofkit |
allocatemultiplesof |
tobuildimasterid |
purchasedprice |
customerprice |
txnlineid |
qbstatus |
pickedcount |
allocatedcount |
shippedcount |
imastersku |
imasterdesc |
imasteruom |
imasterweight |
imastersalesprice |
linetotalprice |
itemuserfield1 |
itemuserfield2 |
itemuserfield3 |
itemuserfield4 |
itemuserfield5 |
itemuserfield6 |
Pick List
Prints from the actions drop-down on the pick page
Default Field Name | Element |
customerorderid |
companyid |
customerid |
ordersourceref |
integrationsource |
status |
ordereddate |
extordernumber |
ordernumber |
itemcount |
ordervalue |
customertitle |
customername |
customersurname |
customeraccount |
customercity |
pickedcount |
orderedcount |
reservedcount |
unprinted |
here |
nonmaterialcount |
shippingbillingmode |
clientid |
completeddate |
completed |
cancelled |
cancelledby |
cancelleddate |
cancelledreason |
projectno |
orderplacedbyuserid |
orderplaced |
userfield1 |
userfield2 |
userfield3 |
mylist1 |
mylist2 |
orderplacedbyname |
customerfullname |
shippingaddressid |
billingaddressid |
shippingcity |
shippingaddressname |
billingaddressname |
shippedcount |
dropshipcount |
lotnumber |
serialized |
qbstatus |
pickprintdate |
shipvia |
discountpercentage |
note |
weight |
packages |
customer |
orderbarcode |
customerno |
shiptoaddress |
billtoaddress |
consigneename |
consigneecompany |
customerbillingphone |
customerbillingcountry |
customershippingphone |
customershippingcountry |
total |
totalorderprice |
totalfullprice notetocustomer notefromcustomer |
buyerpaidship |
Requested Delivery Date | requiredby |
customerorderitemid |
companyid |
customerorderid |
imasterid |
quantity |
pickeddate |
pickedbyuserid |
completed |
orderuom |
allocatedwarehouseid |
allocatedwarehousename |
sku |
imasterdesc |
lotnumber |
expirydate |
serialized |
locID |
locname |
discountpercentage |
allocatemultiplesof |
tobuildimasterid |
partofkit |
purchasedprice |
customerprice |
reservedcount |
pickedquantity |
allocatedquantity |
orderquantity | |
quantitytoallocate |
imasterupc |
imasteruom |
notes |
imastersku |
imasteruserfield1 |
imasteruserfield2 |
imasteruserfield3 |
imasteruserfield4 |
imasteruserfield5 |
imasteruserfield6 |
orderlimit |
orderprice |
imasterweight |
qrcode |
clientname |
Pick Group Summary
Prints when pick group summary is printed from the Orders>Pick page.
Default Field Name | Element |
ordersourceref | |
ordereddate | |
extordernumber | |
orderplacedbyname | |
ordernumber | |
onhold | |
holduntil | |
userfield1 | |
userfield2 | |
userfield3 | |
mylist1 | |
mylist2 | |
discountpercentage | |
shipvia | |
shipviapackaging | |
shipviaconfirmation | |
pickprintdate | |
note | |
notefromcustomer | |
notetocustomer | |
packagesku | |
customername | |
clientname | |
client | |
shiptoAddressName | |
shiptoAddressLine | |
shiptoAddressCityState | |
(combination of all items detail) | detailText |
total | |
totalfullprice | |
Dynamically changes to show either picked/unpicked/total ordered counts depending on the page this xml is generated on. |
[allOrderText] |
Always displays the total number of ordered items including the kit SKUs and their components | [allOrdersTotal] |
Displays the sum total price of all of the orders in the document | [allOrdersTotalFullprice] |
Always displays the allocated count of the orders contained in the doc. Does not count kit skus, but does count components |
[allOrdersCountAllocated] |
Always displays the unallocated count of the orders contained in the doc. Does not count kit skus, but does count components |
[allOrdersCountUnallocated] |
Always displays the picked count of the orders contained in the doc. Does not count kit skus, but does count components |
[allOrdersCountPicked] |
Always displays the unpicked count of the orders contained in the doc. Does not count kit skus, but does count components |
[allOrdersCountUnpicked] |
Displays the total number of items of all of the orders on the document. Does not include kit skus in the count, but does include their components |
[allOrdersCountQuantity] |
buyerpaidship |
Requested Delivery Date | requiredby |
sku | |
name | |
orderquantity | |
uom | |
expirydate | |
lotnumber | |
serialno | |
locationname | |
customerprice | |
orderprice | |
(formatted string of lot number + expiration date + serial number) | detail |
countAllocated | |
countPicked | |
countUnpicked |
Packing Slip
Customer Order
Default Field Name | Datasourcefield |
customerorderid |
companyid |
customerid |
ordersourceref |
status |
ordereddate |
completeddate |
completed |
extordernumber |
orderplacedbyuserid |
orderplaced |
orderplacedbyname |
ordernumber |
clientid |
cancelled |
cancelledby |
cancelleddate |
cancelledreason |
deleted |
deletedby |
projectno |
userfield1 |
userfield2 |
userfield3 |
mylist1 |
mylist2 |
discountpercentage |
shippingbillingmode |
carriercode |
servicecode |
qbstatus |
txnid |
qbsequence |
shippingaddressid |
billingaddressid |
shipvia |
pickprintdate |
note |
preferwhid |
notifyemail |
integrationsource |
deleteddate |
weight |
packages |
totalcost |
orderno |
shippingno |
customerno |
customeremail |
trackingno |
customertitle |
customername |
customersurname |
shiptoaddress |
billtoaddress |
consigneename |
consigneecompany |
customercompany |
customerbillingphone |
customerbillingcountry |
customershippingphone |
customershippingcountry |
shippinglabel |
companyaddress |
totalitems |
totalitemsshipped |
packingslip notetocustomer notefromcustomer |
clientname | |
buyerpaidship |
Requested Delivery Date | requiredby |
Items |
customerorderitemid |
companyid |
customerorderid |
imasterid |
orderquantity |
orderuom |
quantity |
pickeddate |
pickedbyuserid |
completed |
discountpercentage |
partofkit |
allocatemultiplesof |
tobuildimasterid |
purchasedprice |
customerprice |
txnlineid |
qbstatus |
rrp |
itemdesc |
imastersku |
shippedquantity |
totalcost |